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Add a print release to your order so that you have the rights to print your images wherever you want and as many as you want for a lifetime. While we recommend using our print lab, ensuring the best quality possible for your images (to be cherished as hierlooms for a lifetime), we understand that people want their choice of print labs. Adding a print release will give you the rights to print at those labs that may not release your images without one.  Once purchased, the print release will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours. 

Print Release

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    All images in all galleries on this website as well as any written materials/pdfs are the work and intellectual property of Apple Butter Photography, the copyright owner. Use of any images, written materials, or pdfs on this website without written consent from Apple Butter Photography is illegal, a violation of copyright law, an infringement of our intellectual property and will be punished to every extent of the law. Generous compensation for the theft will be sought in a court of law. 
    Don't steal or copy other people's work! 
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    It has come to our attention that a scammer is using our studio address and business name in their correspondence to prey on victims of the modeling industry. Please be advised that we are not involved with any modeling agents, modeling companies, or people claiming to represent them and do not work with anyone in the industry. Use of our studio is strictly for Apple Butter Photography clients ONLY who have booked sessions with us directly. DO NOT send money to anyone other than us who claims to have use of our studio. IT IS A SCAM. 
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